STICK Conference
Event information
Date: 11th October
Time: 9:45 am – 3:15 pm
Organiser: Scottish Transport and Industrial Collections Knowledge network (STICK)
Venue: Discovery Point and RRS Discovery, Riverside Drive, Dundee, DD1 4XA
Cost: £10 – £30
The theme of this conference will be Industrial Heritage Skills and it will be held at Discovery Point home to the world famous RRS Discovery.
The STICK conference on Industrial Heritage Skills believes that it is evident that now, more than ever, industrial heritage skills are at risk and it’s only by having these conversations now can we do something about skills retention before they are entirely lost.
Earlier this year Historic Environment Scotland launched the Skills Investment Plan in collaboration with Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and sector stakeholders such as the Our Place in Time Skills and Expertise Group. This plan aims to ensure Scotland has the skills it needs to promote, manage and protect our historic environment.
The STICK conference will explore whether this is the case, what is the status of Industrial Heritage Skills in Scotland today and share different projects and initiatives underway to address the challenges that managing and caring for industrial heritage collections present.
The conference will feature the following speakers: Mel Ruth Oakley (DHT), Matthew Moran (HMS Unicorn), David Mann (SMM), Ross McKirdy (GTM) and Jim Mitchell (Conservation Engineers).
There will also be a tour of RSS Discovery and a discussion panel on the future of industrial heritage skills.
09.45 – 10:15 Registration
10.15 – 10.35 ‘Get Ready to Doc n Roll’, Mel Ruth Oakley (Dundee Heritage Trust)
10.35 – 11.00 ‘HMS Unicorn Conservation Challenges’, Matthew Moran (HMS Unicorn)
11.00 – 11.15 BREAK
11.15 – 11.40 ‘Powering Our People’ David Mann (Scottish Maritime Museum)
11.40 – 12.05 ‘Are industrial skills at risk in the heritage sector?’ Ross McKirdy (Grampian Transport Museum)
12.05 – 12.30 ‘The Skills crisis: How do we fix it?’ Jim Mitchell (Industrial Heritage Consulting)
12.30 – 13.10 LUNCH (40 minutes)
13.10 – 14.10 TOUR: RRS Discovery conservation project
14.10 – 14.50 Discussion Panel
14.50 – 15.15 Next Steps, Final Remarks and thanks