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Blog post
Queering your museum: creating LGBTQIA+ inclusive events and exhibitions
Get inspired to develop LGBTQIA+ inclusive events, exhibitions, and engagement opportunities by reading about these projects from museums and galleries across Scotland.
Grants Awarded
Discover the details of awards made from our past funding streams.
Modern Apprentice Mentor
Would you like to support a Modern Apprentice through their qualification and share your knowledge and expertise? Apply to be a Modern Apprentice Mentor and help to prepare someone for their future career in the sector.
Blether Together: Decolonising the Curriculum
This Blether Together event was organised by Museums Galleries Scotland and Education Scotland and focused on museum's learning resources for schools and communities that have been developed around the Curriculum for Excellence and decolonising the curriculum.
Developing My Leadership
We support new and aspiring leaders in the heritage sector to increase their leadership skills, understand concepts of emotional intelligence to work productively with those around them, and lead in an effective and authentic way. 
Blog post
What is museum learning?
Loretta Mordi, MGS Learning and Engagement Manager reflects on the key themes museum learning spaces are supporting and gives top tips for creating learning environments within museums.
Marseum - School Learning Resource
Marseum is a free learning resource and lesson plan designed to help young people develop transferable skills, while learning about museums and galleries.
University of Stirling Art Collection
Creating new ways to develop awareness of museums
Staff at the University of Stirling Art Collection worked with St Mungo's Primary School in Alloa to create new ways to display knowledge and develop museum awareness with schoolchildren.
Our response to the Scottish Government’s National Adaptation Plan 2024-2029
We've worked with the Museums Association to advocate for a museum sector which is empowered to play a key role in Scotland's response to the climate crisis. 
Supporting Anti Racist Change in the Heritage Sector
As part of our commitment to being an anti-racist organisation, find out more about how we're supporting museums and galleries to include a wider range of people in the services they offer.
Environmental monitoring
Temperature and humidity in museums
Inappropriate conditions can severely damage objects over time. This guide provides advice on creating a stable and controlled museum environment to protect your collections.
19 heritage organisations become Museum Transformers
The Delivering Change Museum Transformers programme is a collective effort to restructure as organisations based on anti-oppressive principles.