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19 heritage organisations become Museum Transformers
The Delivering Change Museum Transformers programme is a collective effort to restructure as organisations based on anti-oppressive principles.
Blog post
Our support for the Skills Investment Plan
Senior Skills Development Manager John Campbell highlights how we've drawn on our workforce development experience to support the creation of a new Skills Investment Plan for museums, galleries, and the wider heritage sector.
Fair Work
Fair Work Fulfilment
This guide offers useful tips and examples of how to implement Fulfilment into your organisation.
Fair Work
Fair Work Effective Voice
This guide offers useful tips and examples of how to implement Effective Voice into your organisation.
Improving Access
The Improving Access project is a six-month exploration to understand how we can improve access to the heritage sector’s workforce and understand the current barriers. The project was made possible by funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund and Young Foundation’s Heritage Innovation Fund.
Fair Work
Fair Work Security
This guide offers useful tips and examples of how to implement Security into your organisation.
Fair Work
Fair Work Opportunity
This guide offers useful tips and examples of how to implement Opportunity into your organisation.
Employability Advice Surgeries
Are you looking for tips and tricks to boost your employability skills? Join us for a free online session where you will receive personalised advice from a member of our team.
Anti-racism and collections
Anti-Racist Practice In Collection Management
This page contains resources for anti-racist practice in collection management and databases.
Museums for the Future Toolkit
This toolkit helps museums connect with local schools by giving pupils a flavour of all the work that goes in to running a museum.
Museums and Education Impact Report
Museums and Education: How Scotland's museums inspire, educate, and improve attainment, provides a summary of the impact that museums have on learning as well as a range of case studies from across the sector.
3 Scottish museums open over Easter weekend following capital projects
Perth Museum, The Scottish Crannog Centre, and Glasgow’s Provand’s Lordship are now open to the public after undergoing redevelopment work.