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Museums Galleries Scotland Statement

Museums Galleries Scotland stands with those in the museums, galleries and wider heritage sector who are showing solidarity for their colleagues in Ukraine.

We support the International Council of Museums’ (ICOM) statement condemning the invasion of Ukraine by Russian Federation military forces and share ICOM’s concern for museum professionals alongside all those facing risk in Ukraine. We are mindful of the huge worry felt by people in Scotland with family, friends and colleagues in Ukraine.

We welcome the efforts by the international museum community to offer support. Scotland’s museums and galleries stand ready to welcome refugees into our communities, to share our stories and provide safe spaces for recovery.

Through our work as an accredited NGO on Intangible Cultural Heritage, MGS understands the integral role that local heritage plays to community and national identity. MGS will explore ways to support the Scot-Ukrainian community through our work and to support Scotland’s museums and galleries to develop programmes to encourage debate and reflection for our local Ukrainian communities and friends.