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As part of our advocacy work, we helped ensure museums and galleries were included in this week’s Scottish Parliament debate on culture. 

We briefed MSPs about the positive impacts of museums and galleries, as well as the challenges and threats our sector faces.  

In the debate, the Culture Secretary highlighted a new £4million culture and heritage capacity fund as part of the overall increase in culture spending proposed in the budget. We are working with officials to establish how this fund can be used by museums and galleries to move onto a surer footing. 

The Conservatives highlighted challenges faced by Culture Perth & Kinross, Dundee Heritage Trust, and Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum. Labour spoke of budget pressures leading to loss of opportunity for children and young people, and they expressed concern at reduced funding to Glasgow’s museums leading to a lack of curators. They also highlighted the potential local authority cut to Dundee Heritage Trust. The Greens spoke of museums and galleries fighting for survival, and the importance of multi-year funding. And SNP backbenchers sang the praises of the Stirling Smith, with one expressing hope of better funding from the local authority. 

It was heartening to hear our sector included in this debate and we will continue to advocate with MSPs to ensure museums and galleries get the attention they deserve.