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Our Climate Commitment

This commitment is our statement on how we aim to support museums and galleries to reach their climate and sustainability goals. Climate action forms a key component of the work of Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS) and the National Strategy for Scotland’s museums and galleries. The culture and heritage sector has a crucial role to play in building a more environmentally sustainable future; it is our intention to help turn this potential and ambition into real change.

Why are we making this commitment?

We are setting out our climate commitment as part of our responsibility to act on the climate crisis. As the national development body for the sector, it is critical that we support museums and galleries to make the essential changes required to meet Scotland’s net zero targets and work positively to influence behaviour change.

Scotland’s museums and galleries have an important role to play in our society’s success, enabling our communities to take positive climate and biodiversity action, and reaching net zero. Museums and galleries provide a space to connect and learn, engage, educate, and influence people in all corners of Scotland.

We are already aware of incredible work that is taking place across the sector.  Museums and galleries are becoming more sustainable, reducing their carbon footprints, and engaging their communities with nature and the climate crisis. But there is more work to be done. We want to offer support to ensure that all museums can realise their ambitions for climate action.

What does our climate commitment mean for Museums Galleries Scotland?

We will continue to prioritise climate action across our organisation. We are developing our operational policies and practice to reduce our climate emissions, upskill our teams, build partnerships, connect with experts, and create opportunities to advocate for the power of our sector to change Scotland’s climate future.

MGS staff are expected to consider sustainability within their roles and decision-making. This is included within our procurement and travel policies, and individual objective setting and development plans. Staff will also support and advocate for climate actions in the museums we support.

The views of the sector

We conducted a sector-wide survey to understand the views of Scotland’s museums, the actions currently being undertaken, the challenges faced and what more is needed to enable change. This data plays an essential part in how we direct our services and support.

How we will support the sector

Our priority actions for 2024/25 were identified through sector engagement and climate survey responses. This input shapes our support for this climate commitment. Our priority actions are:

Carbon Management & Reduction
Improving the museum sector’s understanding of how to measure and reduce emissions

  • Offer knowledge and practical support around measurement, calculations, efficiencies, and reductions
  • Promote the good work organisations do and highlight what works well
  • Publish our own climate reports annually to lead by example

Climate Resources
Identifying and sharing useful information specific to the museum sector

  • Continue to grow an online bank of resources. Including case studies, blogs, and advice guides for the sector.

Championing the sector and advocating for climate action and climate justice

  • Maintain our digital engagement with climate issues
  • Use our platform to advocate for sector action, highlight good practice, and share relevant resources.

Grants & Funding
Providing opportunities to fund climate activities

  • Fund projects for increasing sustainability, emissions reductions, community engagement and education around climate and nature
  • Strengthen the sustainability criteria and guidance within our grants process.

Networks & Partnerships
Strengthening existing relationships and building new and meaningful connections

  • Invest in continued sector engagement and museum visits
  • Work to strengthen the overlap between the cultural and climate sectors/organisations
  • Continue to grow the Scottish Museums Climate Network.

Training and Guidance
Continuing to offer opportunities to build skills and knowledge

  • Deliver training on the climate and biodiversity crises, and their impact on the sector, for both MGS staff and Scotland’s museums and galleries
  • Offer continued support from the MGS Climate Team as well as formal and informal training opportunities on how to embed climate action
  • Host Knowledge Exchanges on climate and biodiversity.

We are grateful for the feedback we have received from the sector so far as it has helped inform this climate commitment. As part of our shared climate journey, we will continue to speak with those who work and volunteer in Scotland’s museums and galleries to ensure we provide the right support and guidance. We also look forward to sharing more examples of the great work that is taking place across the sector.

Climate Survey Infographic 2022
(PDF, 112 KB)

Climate Action

Discover the climate actions embedded in Scotland’s Museums and Galleries Strategy.

Strategy Climate Actions