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Folklore and Intangible Cultural Heritage in Scotland Event


In December 2021, the Folklore Museums Network, Historic Environment Scotland, and Museums Galleries Scotland hosted a collaborative online workshop looking at the identification, interpretation, and collection of Intangible Cultural Heritage. 

This event investigated issues and challenges facing curators, archivists, archaeologists, and community heritage groups working with intangible culture. The event also explored opportunities for promoting future collaboration, capacity building, and support in Scotland.  

You can view presentations from the online event below: 

Taking forward Material Culture and Folklore

Our engagement with people, place and regional ethnology

The Place of Folklore in Archaeological Landscapes

Plurality, Participation, and Practice

'These boots were made for walking'

Haunted objects in museums

'Nacken chaetrie'

Finding the material culture of Gypsy/Travellers in Scottish museums

Talking Statues Case study

Archives, Walks, and Talks

Passing down stories

Working across generations with migrant stories

Contact us

If you’d like more information about this event please contact Jacob O’Sullivan, Collections and Interpretation Manager for MGS. 


Telephone: 0131 550 4141