Congratulating the Scottish Finalists for Art Fund Museum of the Year 2023
Congratulations to The Burrell Collection in Glasgow for winning Art Fund Museum of the Year 2023. This award is fitting recognition for the energy and enthusiasm of The Burrell Collection’s staff and volunteers following the recent redevelopment of the museum. We wish to congratulate the entire team, and Glasgow Life, for this incredible achievement.
We’re also pleased that Scapa Flow Museum in Orkney was shortlisted as one of five finalists for Museum of the Year. It’s the latest of several smaller Scottish museums to be nominated for Art Fund’s award, joining 2018 finalist Glasgow Women’s Library, 2021 finalist Timespan, and 2020 winner Gairloch Museum as groundbreaking examples of community-oriented museum practice in Scotland.
As Local Authority funded museums, it’s significant to see their outstanding work highlighted and acknowledged by Art Fund, particularly in this current economic climate. We hope the award will be a welcome boost to Glasgow Life, the Arms’ Length External Organisation (ALEO) which runs The Burrell Collection, who face challenging financial cuts to their services.
It’s our hope that this Museum of the Year award sends a strong signal to local and national governments that Scotland’s museums are impactful and inspiring spaces which are worthy of investment. Support for their services contributes towards our collective health, education, and happiness. They enrich our lives and energise our communities.
A huge well done to all the museums and galleries nominated for Art Fund Museum of the Year 2023. With the excellent work that takes place across Scotland, we’re confident that Scottish organisations will continue to be counted among the winners and finalists of this prestigious accolade.