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Loretta Mordi

Museum Development Manager – Learning and Engagement
A dark skinned person with chin length bobbed straight black hair, wearing a light grey roll neck top and an black jacket, stands with their arms crossed

Loretta is the Museum Development Manager – Learning and Engagement at Museums Galleries Scotland. She has a passion for education, learning, culture, equality, diversity, inclusion, and social justice. Her role includes driving strategic learning and engagement through supporting the sector to deliver the National Strategy for Scotland Museums and Scottish Government National Priorities, providing proactive interface with museums and galleries on key strategic learning and engagement projects to build a sustainable sector relevant to schools and their communities and to improve quality of services.

Loretta joined MGS in 2007 and has significant experience and a strong record in strategic planning and development, project management and delivery in culture and heritage learning and cross-cutting social policy agenda spanning over twenty years. She convenes the MGS Strategic Learning Forum and keen on the social impact of museum and heritage learning and health and well-being.

A catalyst for change, Loretta is bias towards action that is effective, a great networker, and an enthusiastic volunteer. She is compassionate and loves people to be happy. She enjoys music, dancing and cooking Nigerian food.