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Victoria Hawkins

Museum Development Manager – Accreditation
A light skinned person with long wavy dark blonde hair, wearing glasses and an indigo blue jumper, stands with their arms at their sides

“Victoria is one of two Museum Development Managers – Accreditation at Museums Galleries Scotland and has over 15 years’ experience working with the Accreditation Scheme. Alongside Jenny Youngson, she manages Accreditation in Scotland, providing advice, support and assessment for museums wishing to participate in the scheme. Her role also includes working with other UK Accreditation Partners in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Victoria loves the framework that Accreditation provides for museums and is always happy to discuss how museums can make use of the standard, whether becoming Accredited is an aspiration or not. 


In her spare time, Victoria explores the world through reading, theatre and gardening to maintain her carefully curated exterior of being very ordinary. Scratch beneath the surface, however, and you’ll discover a well-hidden love of stories, quirkiness and play. Her favourite lockdown discovery was how to grow edible mushrooms from her recycling, and she has just started an adventure in vermiculture.