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Climate Action
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Climate Action

Advice and tips on how museums and galleries can improve their sustainability and engage with audiences on climate action.

Green schemes for museums
Green Certification, Accreditation, and Standardisation
Find out about methods and tools to help museums become more sustainable. Including through accreditation, training, certification, and standardisation schemes.
Energy efficiency
Windows can be sources of large amounts of lost and wasted heat for a museum building. Find out ways of minimising lost heat through your windows.
Energy efficiency
Water use
Learn how conserving water and using it efficiently can dramatically improve the environmental performance of your museum building, saving money.
Energy efficiency
Installing energy efficient lighting systems throughout your building can help reduce the amount of energy consumed, lower your electricity bills, and reduce the carbon footprint of the building.
Energy efficiency
Energy audits
Find out ways you can improve the energy performance of your museum building to help you lower both your energy bills and your carbon emissions.  
Carbon management
Supporting sustainable transport to museums
Find out ways you can help museum and gallery visitors reduce their travel emissions when visiting your venue.
Culture and climate change
Find Climate Help and Support Through Green Networks
Find examples of networks that may be useful to museums, or their staff looking to take and support climate action. 
Culture and climate change
Climate change and museums
The climate crisis is not just about science and politics, it’s also about culture, history, communication, and social justice.
Culture and climate change
Climate change: Impacts on the cultural sector
The effects of climate change on the cultural sector, including communities and heritage sites and buildings.