Workforce for the Future: Secondary Schools
About the project
In partnership with Developing the Young Workforce, we are delivering Postcode Culture Trust-funded project Workforce for the Future. We are working with museums and schools in lower Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (SIMD) areas. The project is being delivered in 8 different council areas in Scotland over two years. Pupils are working to co-create a resource with their local museum, learning about the diversity of job roles in the sector and increasing their employability skills. Working with S1 and S2 pupils who are pre-subject choices allows for flexibility in the curriculum to enable effective participation in this project. This follows on from previous successful pilot projects with P5, P6 and P7 pupils.
Funds are raised by players of People’s Postcode Lottery and awarded by Postcode Culture Trust.
Marseum learning resource
We collaborated with Daydream Believers to create a free, accessible, learning resource for schools and museums to support Workforce for the Future projects. The Marseum learning resource was created to develop young people’s skills while supporting pupils to learn about museums and galleries. The resource is free and available for anyone to download, use, and run their own project.

Who we are working with
We will be working with a museum and secondary school from 8 different council areas. We will continue to update this page as we confirm more museum partners.
- Dunollie Museum, Castle and Grounds
- Paisley Museum
- Wee Museum of Memory
- Robert Burns Centre
- Shetland Museum and Archives
- Baird Institute Museum/Burns House Museum
- The Watt Institution (McLean Museum and Art Gallery)
- East Dunbartonshire Leisure and Culture Trust
Contact Us
If you require more information about the Workforce for The Future projects or want to talk to us running a Marseum project, please get in touch with Gabi Gillott, Workforce for the Future Project Officer, or Markus Offer, Skills Development Manager.