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Workforce for the Future

A group of two adults and two children talking and laughing together. One of the adults holds a document, and one of the children holds a digital tablet with a bright red case.

About the projects

These three projects involve working in partnership with Developing the Young Workforce (DYW), museums and schools in lower Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation areas (SIMD). Pupils work to deliver a resource in a local museum, learn about the diversity of  job roles  in the sector and increase their employability skills. The resources created so far have varied, from exhibitions to audio tours. Each museum works with a school chosen in partnership with DYW and creates a different learning resource that can be used by schools and museums alike across Scotland.

Each of the three projects has a separate funder. Our pilot project involved working with 3 museums and with P5-P7 students and was funded through the Culture and Diversity Fund from Scottish Government. Art Fund has funded our project with museums and schools across 21 different council areas. In our project funded by Postcode Culture Trust, we are working with students in S1 and S2 across 8 different council areas in Scotland. Our ambition is for each council area in Scotland to have its own example of working in this way.

Whilst these projects have a national remit, we value the uniqueness of places that exist throughout Scotland, in each council area, and we are committed to ensuring that each project has local relevance. Although the projects’ outcomes are shared nationally, we understand that different people, museums and schools will benefit in distinct and unique ways.

Working with Developing the Young Workforce

A key part of these projects is working with DYW. Working with your local DYW can help you engage with different schools and audiences, and support you in a variety of new ways.

Find more information about Developing the Young Workforce and how to engage with them in your area.

Further Resources

Further Information


If you require more information about the Workforce for the Future projects or any of this ongoing work please get in touch with Markus Offer, Skills Development Manager at MGS, Nicola Henderson Michie, Skills Development Officer (Art Fund) or Gabi Gillott, Workforce for the Future Project Officer (PPL).